"Future of science is just a particle away"
Gas Integration by Tribo Electric Generation "TEG"
The innovation
Canadian scientist Joseph Ledoux has invented a water reactor that modifies the very structure of water by bending and increasing the angle between molecules. Through a proprietary process, the reactor brings water into a never-before-seen plasma state (plasma is usually reserved for gases).
During our research on “How do we improve absorption effectiveness across membranes?” We focused on the integration of gases into fluids, such as in the example of adding oxygen Nano-bubbles in the blood. In biochemistry, “Henry’s law” determines this equilibrium. Infinitesimal forces with opposing effects prevent gases to be fixed in fluids: surface & interfacial tension, plasma, ionic polarization and frequencies are the ones we focused on.
Plasma, the fourth state of water
Technically, we don't find gases in water. "Gas" is a state of matter, so a little pocket of gas could be surrounded by water, but then we call it a bubble. Instead, what we find is that some substances like oxygen or carbon dioxide, which would be gases under normal conditions, can be dissolved in water. But then they're not gases anymore, they're part of a liquid mixture or solution.
Plasmas would be the same as gases. Plasma is a state of matter which is so energetic that some or all of the atoms have had their electrons stripped off. Plasma is made of free electrons and the positively-charged atoms (ions) which are left behind when an electron leaves. This is too energetic a state to coexist with water.
The water

We create space to fix gases where there were none before. We can now fix gases in concentrations that are 10 to 20 times what Henry's law permits.
For example:
A bottle of water of any brand would contain about 10 ppm (parts per million) of pure Oxygen (O2).
Once we inject Oxygen in the water through the reactor, we get over 100 ppm of dissolved Oxygen!

​Proven positive impact on blood oxygenation during experiments
TGS performed blood oxygenation tests in dogs and in humans at a research institute in Canada and obtained transcending results.
Results in Dogs
Six Beagle dogs were forced to breathe only CO2 until the level of oxygen in their blood, measured by PO2 every 10 minutes, reached a critical low point. The CO2 conditions were maintained for the duration of the test. At the critical point, dogs were injected intravenously water treated by Tribo-Electricity in a process that allows stable fixation of Oxygen (1,8% affixed of O2 and 33ppm dissolved of O2). The volume was injected over 60 minutes.
The oxygen level measured by PO2 every 10 minutes started to rise to a normal level and stabilized for nearly 3 hours, after which the metabolic demand for oxygen consumed the entire reserve and the PO2 started to fall rapidly. The arterial and venous PO2 were similar throughout the experiment. This test demonstrates two salient points, namely:

​It is possible to safely inject intravenously water treated by TEG with Nano-bubbles of Oxygen.
The treated water creates a reserve pool of oxygen in the blood and tissues of the treated animals. While the PO2 does not exceed the normal level, the accumulated oxygen continues to be available and used until the metabolic need depletes it completely.
Results in Humans
The test was performed in 40 chronic smoker patients (20 males and 20 females). In a closed room, the subjects were asked to smoke and stay in the environment with no active ventilation during the entire test. Each subject was given a drink of 500ml of water treated by TEG in a process that allows the stable fixation of oxygen (at 1,8% affixed of O2 and 100ppm dissolved of O2). As shown in Figure 3, the oxygen level in the blood measured by pO2 rose to normal levels. The oxygen level decreased as the metabolic demand for oxygen depleted the reserve pool accumulated in the blood and tissues.

Emphysema Example
In a patient suffering from phase 4 Emphysema (COPD) with one week of life expectancy, 750ml/day of oxygenated TEG water was given orally. In less than 7 weeks, the pO2 jumped from 49.10, at the threshold of life to to 65.10, translating in a 33% increase. During the test period, the pCO2 decreased by 18% from 58.7 indicating a severe incapacity in evacuating the CO2 impurities from the blood to 47.9, a value close to normal. The patient returned home and was lost to follow-up after one year.